Tag Archives: purple platypus monkeys

I Hate Ninjas

My eyes flew open.

The room was dark, empty, the windows closed and the curtains tightly drawn. I strained my ears, listening for even the barest whisper of a sound, but the night was still as death. My bedroom was silent, noiseless, nothing out of place. There was nothing that should have disturbed my slumber.

I hate ninjas, I thought, annoyed Read the rest of this entry

Highest Form of Whit

Bigger. Bolder. Bloggier.*

The Official How To Blog

The official site of how to-ing.

Post it Notes from my Idiot Boss

delivered directly to my computer monitor on an all too regular basis...


little pictures I like to draw

Dysfunctional Literacy

Just because you CAN read Moby Dick doesn't mean you should!

The Librarian Who Doesn't Say Shhh!

Opening books to open minds.

Write, or Else!

Navigating the perils of writing

Flash! Friday

Micro fiction contest

The Official Colonel Sanders Podcast

An All American Rags to Chickens Story